October 31, 2024
Los Angeles City Council and its Committees
Planning Commission
For — CF 21-1230-S5. Citywide Housing Incentive Program / Citywide Code Amendment.
To City Council and Planning Commission,
The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) in a 14-0 vote at its October 14, 2024 meeting adopted a position to support CF 21-1230-S5 pertaining to the Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) with a FOR CHIP Draft #3 / Against Exhibit D position.
The motion is as follows:
The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council requests support for Draft #3 of the Housing Element/CHIP Ordinance that rezones LA without regard to the Exhibit D “options” that would open up single-family neighborhoods. The Planning Department in its report clearly states that they have found enough zoning to meet the State’s mandate for housing without the need to rezone our single-family areas.
For CHIP 3 / Against Exhibit D.