Community Impact Statements

A Community Impact Statement is an official statement or position adopted by a Neighborhood Council on issues pending before the City’s decision makers. The Community Impact Statement process was created specifically for Neighborhood Councils so they can publicly express their support, opposition, or suggestions about any matter pending before the Los Angeles City Council, its committees, or City commissions. A Community Impact Statement (CIS) is an official statement used to express the position of a Neighborhood Council (NC) as a whole, and is not to be used to express personal opinions.

Submitting a CIS expresses a serious and committed position on an issue by a Neighborhood Council, and demonstrates community interest and support of the issue. This process allows stakeholders to communicate collectively as a Neighborhood Council and as a community, but it does not preclude stakeholders and board members from also expressing their opinions as individuals. Letters submitted to the City Clerk identifying an opinion on a specific Council File will also be included in the file, and can help strengthen a position.


May 2023

Council File Number: 23-0264

Insofar as communication and transparency in government is vital to our community, the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 23-0264, if amended, to clarify notification requirements of emergency homeless shelter property owners when a homeless shelter provider has not been identified at the time the project application is filed. SONC believes notification requirements should be expanded beyond the currently-required written notification to only owners of properties abutting the subject property to include, at minimum, a 500 radius surrounding the subject property. Furthermore, we would request notification to the appropriate Neighborhood Council, so that the NC can best assist with outreach efforts to both community stakeholders and parties that may avail themselves of the shelter’s services.

Council File Number: 23-0447

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 23-0447 regarding the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Court Program.

Council File Number: 23-0270

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports CF 23-0270 to evaluate diversion and recidivism programs implemented by LAPD or in collaboration with other agencies to mitigate and prevent crime. Supporting alternative and proven approaches to public safety and crime reduction, such as community engagement, diversion, and recidivism programs, is of utmost importance in an atmosphere where existing legislation & policy, such as Prop 47, discourages incarceration.

Council File Number 23-0359

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports CF 23-0359 to study a potential democracy vouchers program to benefit local voters regarding local elections, and to give local community members a greater voice when it comes to representative issues in the City of Los Angeles, with the hope that such a program creates a more equitable atmosphere for campaign financing, and increases local participation and engagement in elections and productive political activity.

April 2023

Directed To: City Planning Commission - support the Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Blvd Landscaped Median project

Summary: A motion to support the Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Blvd Landscaped Median project, as presented, because it will enhance the beauty of our community, have safety benefits, traffic calming benefits, carbon capture benefits, and stormwater retention benefits.....(for reference this refers to a proposal from the Sherman Oaks Business Improvement District to add two landscaped medians to the portion of Van Nuys Boulevard between Hortense Street and Moorpark Street.)

Directed To: City Planning Commission - reject the Bonseph Helinet lease proposal

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) formally asks the City Council to reject the Bonseph Helinet lease proposal in the best interests of the thousands of residents, schools and businesses impacted by Van Nuys Airport (VNY), and the City’s long-term environmental and environmental justice goals, and to send the following letter to CF 22-1125 (as a CIS update), CD4, LAWA and other relevant parties:

Council File Number: 23-0172

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) opposes Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) unless amended to exclude properties that are not contiguous to the main campus of religious institutions or independent institutions of higher learning. Please refer to the attached letter explaining our position:

Council File Number: 23-0002-S30

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) opposes Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) unless amended to exclude properties that are not contiguous to the main campus of religious institutions or independent institutions of higher learning. Please refer to the attached letter:

Council File Number: 23-0002-S38

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 23-0002-S38 and Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 to overturn Proposition 8 and protect same-sex marriage in California.

March 2023

Council File Number: 23-0142

Summary: The SONC board is in support of the LA City Council Motion 23-0142. We know that climate change increases the risk of wildfire, heatwaves, drought, and food insecurity, not only in Sherman Oaks, but throughout Los Angeles, California, and beyond. We must reduce the temperature of the planet through elimination of fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy. The SONC board is in support of the LA City Council Motion 23-0142, in support of the ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT and NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT COMMITTEES’ REPORT relative to the transition of Griffith Park’s operations to zero-emission, identification of a path to electrify, phase out, or otherwise decarbonize City-owned equipment powered by gasoline engines, and related matters. The report should identify a path to electrify, phase out, or otherwise decarbonize the following: ......a. City-owned equipment powered by gasoline engines, including lawn, garden and maintenance equipment...... b. Non-emergency City-owned vehicles that operate within Griffith Park, including on and off road vehicles...... c. Diesel or gasoline powered generators used for auxiliary power. d. Any other equipment powered by a diesel or gasoline engine.

February 2023

Council File Number: 23-0133

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment’s proposed street banner campaign to promote participation and increase awareness of neighborhood councils city-wide and supports any such installation on vacant & unreserved light poles in Sherman Oaks.

Council File Number: 23-0002-S16 & 23-0002-S17

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the Los Angeles City Council Resolutions contained in Council CF 23-0002-S16 and CF 23-0002-S17 addressing the 2023-2024 State of California Legislative Program, Sponsorship or Support for legislation to amend the Ralph M. Brown Act to permit the City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system to choose to operate remote meetings indefinitely. And for 2023-2024 State Legislative Program SUPPORT for legislative action that would amend the Ralph M. Brown Act to allow local legal legislative bodies, including appointed boards, commissions, advisory bodies, and Neighborhood Councils, to continue to conduct most meetings virtually in the absence of any special circumstances, subject to appropriate safeguards to ensure full and robust opportunities for public participation, including by persons who lack means of digital access.

January 2023

Council File Number: 22-1469

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) is in support of CF-22-1469 LA City Biodiversity Index / California Native Landscaping / Pollinator-Friendly / Monarch Butterfly / Plant and Tree Recovery. There has been a tremendous loss of native habitat, open space and desert/drought tolerant vegetation in the San Fernando Valley as a result of overdevelopment and urban sprawl. When plantings and new landscapes are implemented in developed areas, they typically consist of non-native plants that require greater amounts of a scarce resource in this region - water. Several years of continued drought have created a severe high fire danger and risk to property and lives. Native plants do not require as much water, and will grow naturally, resulting in a natural landscape that will also protect the environment and the inhabitants

Council File Number: 18-0720-S1

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 18-0720-S1 seeking a report from LAPD relative to hate crime prevalence in Los Angeles, and from the Civil and Human Rights and Equity Department regarding its “LA for All" campaign, including a report on the scope, impact, best practices, and opportunities for the expansion of hate crime prevention and awareness in the City.

Council File Number: 22-1070

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-1070 to assess if individual Neighborhood Councils may be granted the flexibility to select a preferred meeting option going forward (virtual meetings, in-person meetings, or a hybrid meeting option). SONC recommends City Council and the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment authorize Neighborhood Councils to continue virtual meetings, whether through exclusively virtual meetings or a hybrid in-person & virtual meeting option.

Council File Number: 22-1486

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-1486 to call upon FIFA, the IOC and other international sports and major event organizers to codify human rights within their bylaws, require and promote the fair treatment of workers, women, LGBTQ+ community members and all marginalized people as a condition for participating nations and cities wherever international sporting events are held.


December 2022

Council File Number: 22-1241

Summary: Antisemitic hate crimes recorded by the Anti-Defamation League are at the highest level since tracking began in 1979. Hate crimes in the state of California are at their highest level since 2001, with the highest percentage of religious bias events targeted at the Jewish community. Currently, much anti-semitic rhetoric and hate crimes targeting the Jewish community are disguised as social justice. With this in mind, it is imperative that all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs include the Jewish community as part of their curricula. Furthermore, SONC supports the expansion of all DEI programs to include the Jewish community and foster a greater understanding of the relationship of certain discourse regarding the State of Israel to antisemitism. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council vehemently opposes anti-semitism in any form whatsoever.

Council File Number: 22-1489

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council is in support of Los Angeles City Council File CF 22-1489 - Motion Submitted by Council District 4 member Nithya Raman, Council District 3 member Bob Blumenfeld, Council District 2 member Paul Krekorian and seconded by Council member Mike Bonin on 11-30-2022 to have the Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) report back within 90 days on the following topics: List of all projects and awards, community engagement, Compliance with the 2005 Van Nuys Airport Master Plan, Environmental impacts, Proposal for Future Community Engagement and to ensure that all future VNY Citizens Advisory Council meetings are recorded and available for the public on LAWA’s website within 60 days.

Council File Number: 22-1127

Summary: The Community supports the motions with the following modifications and requirements (see attached document):

Council File Number: 22-1125

Summary: The Community supports the motions with the following modifications and requirements (see attached document):

Council File: 22-0158

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports the right to shelter, but we oppose unless amended, Council File 22-0158 proposed by Council Members Bonin, Raman, and Harris-Dawson which allows “shelters for the homeless” to be established and operated on properties located outside of R3, RAS3, R4, RAS4, RS, C2, C4, CS, CM, M1, M2, and M3 zones. [See Attached Document]

November 2022

Council File: 22-1232

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports (if amended) CF 22-1232 to pursue a ballot measure and changes to the LA City Charter to address concerns regarding Ethics Commission composition, function, and operation. SONC recommends the following amendments to CF 22-1232 to fully address these ethical concerns while ensuring the Commission is empowered to remain independent and recommends LA City Council take its time to progress this legislation through committee before reaching the full council: Recommended amendments are attached in the following document.

October 2022

Council File Number: 22-1199

Removal of Councilmember de Leon / Chair / Homelessness and Poverty Committee

Council File Number: 22-1198

Removal of Councilmember Nury Martinez / Chair / Ad Hoc Committee Covid-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment / Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations

Council File Number: 22-1189

Elected Officials / Offensive Misconducts / Immediate Resignation Demand / Censure

Council File Number: 22-1195

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-1189 and CF 22-1195 to censure and demand the immediate resignation of Los Angeles City Councilmembers Nury Martinez, Kevin de Leon, and Gil Cedillo for their racist, antisemitic, and homophobic comments and slurs which have no place in modern society, much less City of Los Angeles public office. Apologies alone are insufficient to remedy this situation, but in order to truly hold these individuals accountable for reprehensible conduct, they must be censured and removed from office for they are unfit to represent the residents of Los Angeles... ...Accordingly, and without regard to any voluntary resignations that may have already occurred, SONC issues an on-the-record Community Impact statement in support of CF 22-1198 to remove Martinez, CF 22-1199 to remove de Leon, and CF 22-1201 to remove Cedillo from committee leadership assignments, for their unacceptable conduct... ...Furthermore, although the existence of a voluntary resignation from public office is a positive step, it is not sufficient to fully address the matter; we therefore in no uncertain terms condemn any such hate speech, find such conduct unbecoming and unacceptable for any public official, and support efforts to modify the City Charter to include a ground for removal for patently racist, antisemitic, homophobic, or other hate speech motivated by a protected characteristic, as defined by existing California law.

Council File Number: 22-1201

Removal of Councilmember Gil Cedillo / Chair / Housing Committee

September 2022

Council File Number: 22-0560

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-0560, Municipal Lobbying Ordinance / Updates, to require mandatory lobbying disclosure for public meetings. Additionally, we recommend these requirements be extended to include City Council and Committee meetings, in addition to Neighborhood Council meetings, and that the non-profit exemption be lowered from $2,000,000 to $200,000 in revenue or $500,000 in assets, as is the current requirement for the San Francisco Ethics Commission Ordinance.

August 2022

Council File Number: 22-0764-S1

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-0764-S1 to create a City of Los Angeles ordinance restricting the concealed carry of firearms in or near sensitive places or sensitive uses, such as those identified in the June 2022 Bruen Supreme Court decision.

Council File Number: 22-0815

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-0815 pertaining to the city’s employee relations ordinance to provide updated and gender-neutral language and remove obsolete language. SONC affirms its support for inclusion and equality, including but not limited to updating this ordinance and other laws, codes, and policy to feature gender-inclusive language. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, and in the spirit of further inclusion for identities not along the gender binary, we recommend the use of the gender-neutral “their” in place of the gendered “his/her” and similar such language.

CIS to LA City Planning Re: Draft Wildlife Ordinance

Summary: SONC requests City Planning delay CPC’s Hearing until City Planning holds direct information sessions with SONC and the Sherman Oaks community, to allow residents more time to learn about the ordinance and its ramifications, as well as allow city planning to address the fire risks, human/animal encounter risks, child and pet safety, porous fences, crime risks, spread of disease concerns, height restriction concerns, and undue burden on homeowners concerns.

Council File Number: 22-0600-S20

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-0600-S20 to instruct the Fire Department to report to the Public Safety Committee on potential partnerships with the Conservation Corps for brush clearance efforts and other outside entities that use goats to eliminate invasive and overgrown brush.

Council File Number: 22-0600-S61

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-0600-S61 to instruct the Department of Recreation and Parks to report to the Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee on the feasibility of using wildlife, specifically goats, to support brush clearance activities in parks.

July 2022

Council File Number: 22-0771

Summary: Given that the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) has previously supported the City Council's advocacy for reproductive rights, (please reference May 9, 2022 SONC Board Meeting), SONC supports CF 22-0771, which requests the City Attorney to prepare and present a draft ordinance to prohibit any City resources, including, but not limited to, time spent by employees, officers, or the use of City property, from being utilized to: · Detain persons for procuring, providing, or aiding in abortion care in the City of Los Angeles; or · Cooperate with or provide information to any individual or out-of-state agency or department investigating persons who procure, provide, or aid in abortion care in the City of Los Angeles. · Instruct the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to report back on the feasibility of allocating funding to help subsidize costs for persons from other states seeking abortion care in the City of Los Angeles. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council continues to support pregnant people’s rights to autonomy and privacy when making personal healthcare decisions and therefore support this motion.

Council File Number: 22-0002-S102

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 22-0002-S102, Resolution to address: Reproductive and Abortion Rights. This Resolution encourages our Federal Govt. to take actions within their authority to ensure care remains available to people who can become pregnant in need of reproductive care including abortion. These actions include but are not limited to: · Urging President Biden to issue an executive order directing the federal government to develop a national plan defending American's reproductive rights, including the right to an abortion; and direct the leaders of every federal agency to explore options to protect abortion rights, including: · the use of federal property and resources to increase abortion access such that reproductive care and abortions can occur on those properties and be exempt from the state's abortion laws; On May 9, 2022, the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) approved a motion supporting the City Council’s advocacy for reproductive rights. SONC continues to support these efforts to ensure pregnant people’s rights to privacy and autonomy in making health care decisions regarding reproductive care, including pregnancy termination / abortion. SONC recognizes these rights are currently protected under California state law and that it is imperative for them to be provided greater protection by our federal government. SONC supports this resolution.

Council File Number: 22-0392

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) opposes CF 22-0392 that would allow for digital advertising signage located on Transportation Communication Network Program (TCNP) Structures, unless the plan is amended to prohibit non-freeway facing structures from being used as outdoor advertising, and furthermore, includes a provision to require the operator sufficiently dim the brightness level on any TCNP digital advertising signage during overnight hours to reduce light pollution, hazards, and harm for drivers, pedestrians, residents, workers, and visitors.

Council File Number: 11-1020-S3

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) opposes CF 11-1020-S3. Neighborhood Councils form alliances when they want to join together to work on something of common interest. We want to be able to contribute specifically to alliances we support. The name of the overall fund is not important. What is important is that every recognized alliance has the ability to raise its own funds and those funds are reserved for its use and its use alone. Our Neighborhood Council wants the ability to direct our funds to a specific alliance and not to a fund that is allocated without our input.

May 2022

Council File Number: 22-0002-S73

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) shares in City Council's advocacy for reproductive rights as the Supreme Court of the United States appears poised to overturn Roe v Wade, and supports City Council File 22-0002-S73 seeking to codify the right of pregnant persons to access safe abortion healthcare into law and hereby affirms its support for the rights of all marginalized groups and members of protected classes as specified in existing California law governing unlawful discrimination, including race, color, religion, sex/gender (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and/ or related medical conditions), gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition (genetic characteristics, cancer or a record or history of cancer), military or veteran status, national origin, ancestry, disability (mental and physical including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and genetic characteristics), genetic information, and age (over 40). SONC hereby supports these efforts to enshrine such human rights into the California State Constitution, or other appropriate legislative document.

Council File Number: 22-0390

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports Council File 22-0390 seeking to criminalize the unlawful possession of catalytic converters, and additionally supports related State bills SB 919, SB 986, and SB 1087 designed to address the issue of catalytic converter theft.

April 2022

Council File Number: 22-0002-S26

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File 22-0002-S26 and AB 1322’s efforts to mitigate aviation related air pollution and lead poisoning through deployment of approved sustainable aviation/jet fuel, and we encourage LAWA, the Board of Airport Commissioners, and LA City to offer SWIFT unleaded aviation fuel at all airports, including Van Nuys (VNY), as soon as possible.

Council File Number: 22-0002-S24

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File 22-0002-S24 in support of AB 1594 which would allow individuals and the California Attorney General to sue firearm manufacturers and retailers for injury/death caused by non-compliance with regulations or unfair business practices, AB 1621 which would restrict unserialized “ghost guns” in California, and AB 2571 which would restrict marketing and advertising of certain weapons such as semi-automatic and higher caliber firearms, to children.

Council File Number: 22-0151

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports the Council File 22-0151 Motion and anxiously anticipates the results of the Climate Equity LA Series workshops and community engagements. Los Angeles City needs to focus on and invest in carbon neutrality and sustainability both in repurposing existing buildings and in new developments. Los Angeles City needs to be Carbon Neutral.

Council File 21-1463

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports the Council File 21-1463 Motion and supports the converting of existing buildings to be Carbon Neutral.

March 2022

Council File Number: 17-0090-S16

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) agrees with the LA Controller’s findings indicated in City Council File 17- 0090-S16 and supports the Controller’s recommendations therein for modifying the City’s HHH funding/loans program to achieve the program’s goals, streamline and economize development, and combat the exorbitantly high average per-unit cost of $596,846 that was observed in 2021. As stated in the Controller’s report, “The City must find a way to bring down the overall per-unit cost of developing homeless housing now and in the future.” SONC agrees with the Controller’s findings and supports implementation of the report’s recommendations for doing so.

February 2022

California Initiative 21-0016, known as “Our Neighborhood Voices Initiative,”

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports California Initiative 21-0016, known as “Our Neighborhood Voices Initiative,” which would amend the California Constitution allowing cities and counties to override state law on land use and zoning. California Initiate 21-0016 (Local Land Use)


December 2021

Council File Number: 21-1283

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) urges the City to preserve and maintain its established December 18 deadline for certain city employees, including sworn personnel, to achieve COVID-19 vaccination, with the exception for staff with permissible exemptions to receiving vaccines. Given SONC’s prior support for CF 21-0878, SONC hereby supports a requirement that city employees encountering vulnerable members of the public particularly susceptible to complications from COVID-19, such as LAFD personnel rendering medical aid, be vaccinated, when appropriate and unless exempted. Insofar as public health is concerned, public safety personnel should put the safety and wellbeing of the community first by getting vaccinated, where practicable.

Council File Number: 21-1414

Summary: In October this Board passed a motion encouraging the City of Los Angeles to codify allowable limitations to help lessen the negative impact Senate Bill 9 would have on our community. Our requested action along with other ideas have now been put forward as a motion proposed by Councilmembers Koretz and Blumenfield, seconded by Councilmember Raman. The guidelines for implementation include: maintaining our objective zoning (Mansionization Ordinances), limiting development to 4 units in total, setbacks, parking, residency concerns and exemptions to SB 9 in our hillsides areas with substandard streets, historic districts, wildlife corridors, etc. This is very time sensitive and has to be approved by City Council before January 1, 2022. Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) is in full support of Councilmembers Koretz/Blumenfields’s Motion CF 21-1414 that allows the City to put in place by December 31, 2021, objective guidelines for processing SB9 filings. SONC supports all efforts to protect our neighborhoods from land speculation while supporting well planned growth in our city. SONC urges the City Council to support CF 21-1414 and pass it by December 31, 2021.

Council File Number: 21-1132

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21-1132 relative to instructing the City Administrative Office with the City’s EV Task Force, to convene a Zero Emissions Transportation Infrastructure working group made up of representatives from Various City Departments with the participation of representatives from County, LA Metro, and Metro link, to meet the stated objectives and related matters of this motion.

Council File Number: 21-1286

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) requests that the Mulholland Scenic Parkway Specific Plan Implementation Guidance Memorandum issued by Vincent Bertoni, dated March 20, 2021, be rescinded or amended. The memorandum, issued unilaterally by Director Bertoni with no prior notice or opportunity for public comment, purports to limit the oversight of the Specific Plan’s Design Review Board (DRB) by declaring that projects that are not visible from the Mulholland Drive right of way are exempt from review by the DRB. The Director’s action is in direct conflict with the express language of the Specific Plan, exceeds his authority under the City Charter, and usurps the legislative function of the City Council which signed the Specific Plan into law in1992. The Director’s decision removes the code-mandated expert and professional advice of the Mulholland DRB from decision-making for most of the Specific Plan area. This decision also reduces public oversight of many projects with potentially significant adverse environmental impacts to parkland, scenic overlooks, scenic corridors, wildlife corridors, riparian areas, and the urban forest, dramatically altering a legislative action of the City Council.

Council File Number: 21-1208

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21-1208 which seeks to identify the steps necessary to comply with the CalRecycle regulations to reduce organic waste disposal by 75% by 2025, and to determine the potential impact of the CalRecycle regulations on the ratepayers.

Council File Number: 21-0921

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) urges the City to preserve and maintain its established December 18 deadline for certain city employees, including sworn personnel, to achieve COVID-19 vaccination, with the exception for staff with permissible exemptions to receiving vaccines. Given SONC’s prior support for CF 21-0878, SONC hereby supports a requirement that city employees encountering vulnerable members of the public particularly susceptible to complications from COVID-19, such as LAFD personnel rendering medical aid, be vaccinated, when appropriate and unless exempted. Insofar as public health is concerned, public safety personnel should put the safety and wellbeing of the community first by getting vaccinated, where practicable.

November 2021

Council File Number: 21-1039

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21-1039 which seeks to establish a coordinated interdepartmental process to create a sustainable year to year municipal solar and storage program, including staffing and maintenance needs.

Council File Number: 20-0668-S7

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) is opposed to the Ad Hoc Committee’s proposed map approved on November 5, 2021, unless it is amended to abide by the following critical points for Sherman Oaks: (1) the whole of the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council should be in a single City Council District that is in the San Fernando Valley; (2) five City Council Districts should be wholly within the San Fernando Valley; (3) the 6th City Council District, which would be partially in the San Fernando Valley, should represent a San Fernando Valley population that is approximately two-thirds of the City Council District's total population; and (4) all Neighborhood Councils should be kept whole within the City Council District in which they are placed, to the extent possible.

October 2021

Directed To: City Planning Commission

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) is against the anticipated implementation of SB 9 and SB 10 unless certain limitations as allowed by SB 9 and SB 10 are codified by the City of Los Angeles. Please see the following SONC motion, passed at the SONC October 11, 2021 Board meeting, detailing the items SONC wishes to be included as the City of Los Angeles implements SB 9 and SB 10. SB 9 and SB 10 – Local Jurisdiction Control of Land Use Motion: Three sections of recently enacted SB 9 and one section in recently enacted SB 10 grant local jurisdictions some discretion in limiting how these bills control land use. SONC encourages the City of Los Angeles to codify these allowable limitations to help lessen the negative impact these bills may have in single family neighborhoods. 1. SB 9 does not mandate affordable units in single family neighborhoods but leaves it up to local jurisdictions. The City of Los Angeles should mandate at least one of the four units allowed be made an affordable unit. 2. SB 9 allows lot splitting but: “a local agency shall not be required to permit more than two units on a parcel created through the exercise of the authority contained within this section.” Therefore, the City of Los Angeles should exercise that right to limit only two housing units per newly formed parcel. 3. SB 9 allows a local agency to impose objective zoning standards that do not preclude the ability to build two 800 square foot units. Therefore, the City of Los Angeles should enforce existing Los Angeles City zoning conditions including height, floor area ratio (FAR), setbacks, etc. unless the site cannot accommodate two 800 square foot units. 4. SB 10 allows 10 units on a parcel in a single-family neighborhood. We suggest the City of Los Angeles City Council take a formal position that SB 10 is not an acceptable zoning option for Los Angeles and that the City of Los Angeles will not “opt-in” to that provision of SB 10.

Board of Airport Commissioners

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) urges a timely update of the VNY Masterplan -- see the following motion passed by the SONC at its October 11, 2021 Board Meeting. Van Nuys Airport Master Plan. Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) urges Van Nuys Airport (VNY), Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), and The Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council (VNY CAC) to complete a timely update of the VNY Masterplan and address the incompatible growth in large commercial jets, services, and air taxi operations at VNY contrary to the spirit of the 2006 Master Plan calling for the airport to be a good neighbor relative to pollution and noise disturbance to all of the valley.

Council File Number: 20-0668

Summary: CF 20-0668 Redistricting Process / 2020 Decennial United States Census Data Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports the Redistricting Commission’s study and approval of its Draft Map K-series, such as Draft Map K2 or similar future iterations.

Council File Number: 21-0407

Summary: CF 21-0407. Neighborhood Council / Standardize Election Rules / Stakeholder Participation. Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) stands in opposition to CF 21-0407, and, moreover, future attempts to deprive the NC of an opportunity to self-govern. The existing Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils documentation seeks to encourage an independent approach and SONC hereby finds the proposed attempt elucidated in CF 21-0407 to unilaterally change the various NC’s election rules runs contrary to the City’s Plan.

September 2021

Council File Number: 21-0680

Summary: CF 21-0680 Zero-Emission First Procurement Policy / L.A. Green New Deal Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21-0680 to (1) develop proposed rules to meet the intent of the Zero-Emission First procurement policy and its compliance; (2) ensure that EV Charging infrastructure is installed in anticipation of future 100% zero-emission municipal fleet; and (3) the transition of LAPD and LAFD fleets to zero-emission vehicles.

Council File Number: 21-0899

Summary: Non-Serialized Unfinished Frames, Receivers, and Firearms / Ghost Guns / Prohibited Possession, Purchase, Sale, Receipt, and Transportation / Ordinance Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports Los Angeles City Council File 21-0899 seeking an ordinance to prohibit the possession, purchase, sale, receipt, and transportation of non-serialized, unfinished frames, and unfinished receivers and non-serialized firearms within the City of Los Angeles.

Council File Number: 21-0878

Summary: CF 21-0878 COVID-19 Vax Up LA Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC), conscious of the COVID-19 pandemic and public health needs, supports Los Angeles City Council File 21-0878 and the Council’s efforts to require vaccination of eligible individuals participating in or attending specific indoor events deemed as high risk for COVID-19 viral transmission.

Council File Number: 21-0683

Summary: CF 21-0683 City-Owned Buildings / Net-Zero Energy / Retrofit / Carbon Emissions Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21-0683 to develop a full cost-estimate, timeline, and plan to retrofit prioritized municipally-owned buildings to achieve net-zero energy

August 2021

Council File Number: 20-1506-S1

Summary: Motion: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports the City of Los Angeles’ proposed amendment to increase expenditures toward the existing Call Direction to Ensure Suicide Safety Pilot Program (CRESS Pilot Program) and 8-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week service operated by Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services in order to expand this offering to a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week operation, in order to continue allowing Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services to handle identified mental health calls to ensure that individuals in severe emotional distress or suicidal crisis receive the appropriate support in a timely manner and to reduce the need for the Los Angeles Police Department to respond to these types of calls. By expanding hours of operation from 8/7 to 24/7, this will enable this group to provide service at all hours of the day and night. This motion for a CIS in support of CF 20-1506-S1 is in accordance with SONC’s previous stance in Council File 20-0769-S1, adopted by SONC at its meeting on October 19, 2020, in which SONC voted to support the Fire Department (LAFD)’s expansion of the Advance Provider Response Units (APRU) program to respond to non-violent non-criminal calls that would previously be responded to by the police department (LAPD).

July 2021

Council File Number: 19-0492

Summary: SONC supports LAWA and FAA’s collaborative relationship in their working group’s efforts to bring relief to the Sherman Oaks community and other affected communities and encourages LAWA to continue engaging with FAA in advocating for solutions that provide equitable and fair benefits for the entirety of Sherman Oaks.

June 2021

Council File Number: 21-0002-S100

Summary: “More than 99% of plastic is created from fossil fuels . . .spurring a boom in new plastic production, contributing significantly to the climate crisis, and causing environmental justice issues at every step of its life cycle . . . the U.S. produces the most plastic waste per capita of any country, and an astounding 91% is never recycled. Of the more than 350 million tons of plastic produced each year globally, 8 million tons wind up as plastic waste in the world’s oceans.” Source: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council is in favor of the resolution stated in CF 21-0002- S100 (A joint LA city and State Assembly Motion) which supports Federal Legislation known as the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (S984 and HR2238). The goals of the Break Free From Plastic Act are comprehensive and in alignment with the needs of the City of Los Angeles and its residents.

Council File Number: 21-0352

Summary: Climate change increases the risk of wildfire, heatwaves, drought, and food insecurity, not only in Sherman Oaks, but throughout Los Angeles, California, and beyond. We must reduce the temperature of the planet through elimination of fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy. The LADWP/NREL study has found that transition to 100% clean energy by 2035/2045 is doable, practical, and beneficial. By implementing the “no-regrets” options in the LADWP/NREL study, we can rapidly get on track to achieve 100% clean energy by 2035. A shovel-ready plan with plans for rapid deployment of renewable energy will also allow Los Angeles to be ready for federal funding.

Council File Number: 19-1493

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) asks Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to request, the Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council (VNY CAC) to support, the Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) to fund, perhaps in the vein of CF 19-1493 relative to funding sources for FAA-related outside counsel expenses, and LA City Council to ensure the hiring of a consultant with experience and a track record of success with the FAA in moving and dispersing NextGen flight paths to assist LAWA staff in achieving the stated action from LAWA in IFP gateway request from the fall of 2020 relative to the PPRRY waypoint.

Council File Number: 21-0002-S106

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21- 0002-S106 in opposing AB 1401 (Friedman), which would prohibit a city or county from imposing minimum parking requirements on all developments located within one-half mile walking distance of a major transit stop or a high-quality transit corridor.

Council File Number: 18-0131

Summary: The SONC board is in support of the council motion directing the Department of Recreation and Parks to report on a strategy and timeline for a pilot program to evaluate the use of zero-emission maintenance equipment at parks and golf courses. SONC recommends that American Green Zone Alliance (AGZA), be the organization that helps the City of Los Angeles with their zero emissions maintenance equipment pilot project, in order to avoid common problems that may arise in transitioning untrained staff. AGZA is the certification organization that helped the City of South Pasadena achieve their groundbreaking zero emission operations for all city properties, and is the most qualified and experienced consultancy to ensure the City’s program success. The SONC supports the City’s pilot program and urges to implement AGZA’s Green Zone certification throughout its parks and golf courses.

Council File Number: 16-0243-S1

Summary: The SONC board is in support of the council motion #16-0423-S1 directing the LADWP to reach 100% renewable energy for the grid by 2030, as recommended in the study LADWP 100% Renewable Study release in Feb of 2021.

Council File Number: 21-0618

Summary: In the interest of public safety, public health, and in an effort to curtail, mitigate, prevent, or impede the quantitative effect of gun violence and mass shootings in Sherman Oaks and the City of Los Angeles, as specifically pertains to semi-automatic rifles and similar high-capacity magazines and/or elevated-throughput capable firearms colloquially referred to in Bonta as "assault weapons," the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports LA City Council File 21-0618 regarding the City Attorney's amicus brief or other document to be filed in support of the California Attorney General's appeal of Miller, et al v. Bonta with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which will seek to reverse the U.S. District Court's decision to strike down California's assault weapons ban.

Council File Number: 17-0447

Summary: According to the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), as of April 2018, there are 5,130 oil and gas wells within the City of Los Angeles, of which 780 are active and 287 are idle and uncapped. This poses health risks to all residents of Los Angeles, no matter what neighborhood. However, we recognize that historically disadvantaged and communities of color are significantly disproportionately affected due to the proximity of oil extraction facilities to those neighborhoods. Additionally, the city does not have adequate insurance or bond requirements to control liability or recover costs for clean up or other damages. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council recognizes that this motion must be passed for the good of the entire city and its residents and stands in solidarity with frontline communities that are disproportionately impacted and have special circumstances that must be addressed.

May 2021

Council File Number: 21-0264, 21-0002-S61

Summary: Given the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC)’s prior support for and Community Impact Statement (CIS) submitted to CF 20-0002-S81, Asian and Pacific Islander, Jewish, Immigrant and Other Communities / COVID-19 Pandemic / Denounce Anti-Asian Bigotry, AntiSemitism, Hateful Speech, Violent Action, introduced by Councilmember David Ryu and seconded by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield in May 2020, SONC reaffirms its support for CF 21-0002-S61 and CF 21-0264 regarding the condemnation of discrimination, harassment, and hate crimes, and urges LA City Council not to allow CF 21-0002-S61 and CF 21-0264 to sit idle in Committee without a vote for months on end, as it has done with CF 20-0002-S81. Special Attention to the request that the "LA City Council not to allow CF 21-0002-S61 and CF 21-0264 to sit idle in Committee without a vote for months on end, as it has done with CF 20-0002-S81."

Council File Number: 21-0031

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) urges LA City Council, in conjunction with the Department of Sanitation, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, and other service providers, including potential private-public partnerships, to establish a regular cleanup schedule of encampment sites and to supply trash receptacles such as but not limited to automated litter bins (ALBs) to encampment and other unhoused areas with regular collection in order to gauge the effectiveness of simply providing unhoused persons with the ability to properly dispose of waste.

Council File Number: 21-0002-S22

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 21-0002-S22 in opposing the District Attorney’s administrative action to cease seeking sentencing enhancements in criminal cases unless amendment to exempt sentencing enhancements for hate crimes from this policy.

March 2021

Council File Number: 21-0002-S8

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File 21-0002-S8 regarding LADOT proposals for fiscal year 2021-22, including the setting and enforcement of speed limits; parking management and enforcement; and emerging mobility options.

Council File Number: 21-0051

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File 21-0051 calling for an investigation into city employee involvement in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the United States Capitol, potential disciplinary action, and the drafting of guidelines surrounding hate speech.

Council File Number: 20-0990

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File 20-0990 and the City’s effort to provide diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-bias training to Neighborhood Council members.

February 2021

Council File Number: 21-0002-S3

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File 21-0002-S3 and any legislation that defines "domestic terrorism" as a federal crime, accompanied by appropriate penalties and sentences.

Council File Number: 21-0002-S21, S18

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) passed the following motion on February 8, 2021. Given the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council’s (SONC) prior Community Impact Statements in City Council Files 20-0002-S101 and 20-002-S107, submitted on August 12, 2020, SONC hereby supports similar council files CF-21-0002-S18 and CF 21-0002-S21, in opposition to SB 9 (Atkins) and SB 10 (Weiner), for reasons including but not limited to the elimination of community review or public hearing, overriding of local land use control regulations and protocols, and changes to housing procedures without any provisions for affordable housing also known as affordability requirements.

Council File Number: 20-0492

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 20-0492 to address climate change trends. Whereas the residents of Sherman Oaks are concerned with the damage to health and effect on climate change caused by burning fossil fuels, and whereas the common practice of investing in fossil fuels contributes greatly to the marketplace dominance of fossil fuels, the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports Council File 20-0492 and notes the City should not be supporting investments in fossil fuel companies, and residents shouldn’t have to worry about the City’s insurance vendors failing due to investments in a declining industry. Therefore, be it resolved, that the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council SUPPORTS the Blumenfield motion in Council File 20-0492, to create a rating system for insurance providers identifying their risk due to fossil fuel investments

January 2021

Council File Number: 20-0004-S1

Summary: Motion in Support of CF 20-0004-S1 Whereas Los Angeles has recognized the Republic of Artsakh since 2013 in Council File 13-0004-S2, the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the Republic of Artsakh’s right of self-determination and supports the Council File 20-004-S1, Republic of Artsakh / Azerbaijan Military Forces / Ceasefire / Commendatory Resolution.


November 2020

Council File Number: 20-1267

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-1267 to consider methods, including enforcements such as citations pursuant to AB 1824, and look forward to the report on possible ways to more effectively limit the use of modified mufflers, especially in noise-sensitive areas.

Council File Number: 20-1225

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-1225 to develop a healthy soil strategy and take appropriate steps as specified in 20-1225 to support healthy soil and compost projects and programs.

October 2020

Council File Number: 20-0769-S1

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 20-0769-S1.The motion supporting CF 20-0769-S1 reads as follows:The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-0769-S1 to consider a plan from the Fire Department (LAFD) to expand the Advanced Provider Response Units (APRU) in order to cover more areas of the City and respond to non-violent non-criminal calls that would previously be responded to by the Police Department (LAPD).

September 2020

Council File Number: 20-1116

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-1116 which would extend the comment period from 45 days to 120 days for the FAA Hollywood Burbank Airport Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Council File Number: 20-1114

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-1114, COVID-19 / West Valley Animal shelter (WVAS) / Long Term Plan, and supports the draft proposal that would maintain the West Velley Animal Shelter as a fully functioning municipal shelter.

August 2020

Council File Number: 20-0002-S81

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council considered a motion at its regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 10, 2020, regarding CF 20-0002-S81. The Board passed a motion in support of CF 20-0002-S81. The motion reads as follows: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-0002-S81 and denounces anti-Asian bigotry, Anti-Semitism, hateful speech, and violent actions, and affirms our commitment to the safety and well-being of all community members, including the Asian and Jewish communities, including but not limited to enhanced prosecutions to curb hate acts

Council File Number: 20-0002-S94

Summary: The following motion was considered by the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council at it's regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 10, 2020. The SONC Board passed the motion supporting CF 20-0002-S94. The motion was as follows: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-0002-S94 in support of a statewide millionaire tax to ensure safety net programs are not cut due to an unprecedented deficit, and presently proposed as an increase of 2% on taxable personal income for Californians whose take-home salary is over one million dollars per year, and only applicable pursuant to the marginal tax model, on that income which exceeds one million dollars.

Council File Number: 20-0930, 0944, 0945

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council considered a motion at its regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 10, 2020, regarding CF 20-0930. The Board passed the motion in support of CF 20-0930. The motion is a follows: Given the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC)’s previous support of related mask/face covering ordinance CF 20-0429, be it resolved that SONC similarly stands in favor of face covering/mask wearing requirement City Council Files CF 20-0930, CF 20-0944, and CF 20-0945.

Council File Number: 20-0002-S107

Summary: The following motion was considered by the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council at it's regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 10, 2020. The SONC Board passed a motion opposing CF 20-0002-S107. The motion was as follows: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-0002-S101, which is in opposition to SB 1120, and opposes City Council File CF 20-0002-S107 which is in support of SB 1120.

Council File Number: 20-0002-S101

Summary: The following motion was considered by the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council at it's regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 10, 2020. The SONC Board passed a motion supporting CF 20-0002-S101. The motion was as follows: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-0002-S101, which is in opposition to SB 1120, and opposes City Council File CF 20-0002-S107 which is in support of SB 1120.

Council File Number: 20-0866

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council considered a motion at its regularly scheduled Board Meeting on August 10, 2020, regarding CF 20-0866. The Board passed the motion in opposition to CF 20-0945 and the handling of the motion which prevented review by Neighborhood Councils. The motion is a follows: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) opposes City Council CF 20-0866, thus opposing acceptance of the proposed $350,000 donation from the Los Angeles Police Foundation to the LAPD. SONC further notes that City Council scheduled and approved CF 20-0866 in such short order as to prevent adequate time for Neighborhood Councils to review this item, and expresses its disapproval of such tactics to bypass local review

July 2020

Directed To: City Planning Commission

Summary: Community concerns: 1) inadequate automobile parking (18) for number of residential units (33) 2) excess automobile parking required by commercial space and residential unit users will fill local streets 3) bicycle parking spaces (40) are excessive and should be reduced. Space freed up by fewer bicycle parking spaces should be use for automobile parking 4) height of building is excessive for the area

Council File Number 20-0608

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) passed the following motion in support of CD 20-0608. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the development, implementation, and operation of an independent auditor/investor’s office (Office of Anti-Corruption and Transparency) to provide focused, independent and comprehensive oversight and monitoring of land use, development, and construction processes and approvals in the City of Los Angeles, and applicable amendment of Codes and/or City Charter to accomplish this initiative.

Council File Number: 20-0078

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) passed the following motion in support for CF 20-0078 with the hope that noise generated by airport operations at the Burbank Airport, departures and arrivals, would be "shared" by all neighborhoods in the Valley. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council File CF 20-0078 requesting FAA to add an RNAV departure procedure for eastbound departures from Burbank Airport, with the aim of alleviating noise in the Southern San Fernando Valley west of Burbank Airport, and dispersing flight paths, and SONC shall in turn issue a CIS in support of CF 20-0078, with letters addressed to Council District Two, Council District Four, Council District Five, and the Van Nuys Citizen's Advisory Council (VNY CAC), indicating SONC's position, with carbon copy to interested parties Burbank Airport (BUR) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Council File Number: 20-0429

Summary: The following motion was passed by the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supporting CF 20-0429. In light of continued increases in the spread of coronavirus and a disproportionately vocal minority of objections to the Mayor’s order concerning mandatory face coverings and/or masks, the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council, out of an abundance of caution and consideration for public health and safety during the COVID-19 state of emergency, strongly requests the Los Angeles City Council adopt an ordinance that would require, legislatively, the wearing of face coverings and/or masks in specified public situations subject to limited exemption, and specify the method and manner of enforcement of such an ordinance, such as but not limited to fines or citations, sunsetting after the emergency concludes.

June 2020

Council File Number: 18-1190

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports City Council file 18-1190 and encourages the Council to (1) ban single-use plastics and (2) revise blue bin rules to only include plastics that can be recycled locally or regionally. A copy of the motion as passed is attached.

Council File Number: 20-0690

Summary: Black Lives Matter. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports CF 20-0690.SONC urges the City Council to adopt its Resolution and specifically the language pertaining to “murder,” “anguish, anger and introspection on issues of race and policing,” and an unconditional condemnation of “the murder in the strongest possible terms.” SONC implores the City Council to adopt the language, “Black Lives Matter.” A copy of the motion as passed by SONC is attached.

Council File Number: 20-0838

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) passed the following motion in support of Councilmember Ryu's motion (CF-0838). Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports Councilman Ryu's motion (CF 20-0838) the "Permanent Slow Streets Program" be adopted by the City Council. We authorize a CIS to be written, and to send it to Councilman Ryu's office.

Council File Number: 20-0686

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) passed the following motion in support of CF 20-0868. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports the City Council’s motion that the Chief of Police report with an after-action report of the events leading up to and the Police Department’s actions during the period of civil unrest that began on May 29, 2020 in response to the killing of George Floyd. Be it resolved that SONC shall communicate its position through the issuance of a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on CF 20-0686 and through a letter to the Councilmember for District Four, David Ryu.


July 2019

Council File (CF) 15-0499-S1 & 18-0988

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the Urban Forestry Division, its goals, and the increase in staffing and resources necessary for the Urban Forestry Division to successfully perform its duties.

Council File: 19-0002-S102

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the Los Angeles City Council's Resolution in opposition to SB 330.

April 2019

Council File Number: 18-1226

Summary: SONC authorizes filing a Community Impact Statement City Council File #18-1226 to oppose SB-50 and urge our elected officials to work with our community to find an adequate solution to the housing crisis without destroying Single Family Zoning.


August 2018

Council File: 18-0467

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council voted unanimously to support 6 provisions of this file and to oppose 5 provisions of this file. The letter attached gives our position in full.

April 2018

Council File: 18-0600

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports the work of the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates and their 2018 White Paper and approve the filing of a Community Impact Statement for Council file 18-0600


August 2017

Council File: 15-1138-S1

Summary: The Council supports regulation of Marijuana Sales subject to conditions that are enumerated in our attached letter.

June 2017

Council File: 16-0395

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council supports this motion. “The Council APPROVE and ADOPT a policy that would dedicate at least two-thirds of the City’s share of future Local Return funding toward the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the City’s streets that are in “D” and “F” condition; and that the CLA and CAO, in coordination with appropriate departments, be instructed to report back with an expenditure and work plan that includes a minimum allocation of two-thirds of the City’s share of potential Local Return funding for a capital improvement program for street reconstruction and rehabilitation; and that the CAO, in coordination with the Department of Transportation, report on the amount of the City’s share of the Local Return revenue generated by the half-cent sales tax from Prop M.”

May 2017

Council File: 17-0383

Summary: The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council requests that the following Community Impact Statement be attached to Council File 17-0383 regarding the Conditional Use at 3900-3910 Stansbury, Sherman Oaks to be heard in committee May 16. COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENT The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council opposes this appeal because it is a frivolous appeal. The appeal alleges that the Buckley School is not in compliance with its Conditional Use Permit. The Buckley School is in compliance. The appeal also seeks the removal of Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council from the Committee that oversees the compliance with the Conditional Use Permit. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council is comprised of members elected by the public in elections managed by the City Clerk and duly represents this community of 65,000 residents. The removal of the Council from this committee would be detrimental to the community. The appeal also states that two members of the Council have a conflict of interest. However, those two members have recused themselves and not been present at any vote on the school or its Conditional Use Permit including the vote on this Community Impact Statement. Ronald Ziff has been the Council’s representative on this committee for the past 6 years. He has no ties whatsoever with the school and only serves the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council in overseeing relations between the community and the school.


November 2015

Council File: 15-0719-S11

Summary: We request that Sherman Oaks be exempted from the Mobility Plan 2035 as it is written and have a complete re-examination of transit through Sherman Oaks after the Sepulveda Pass Project has been finalized. Sherman Oaks area shall be defined by the Neighborhood Council boundaries.

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