SONC Opposes City-Wide NC Bylaw Term Limits Amendment

Posted on 09/10/2024

Los Angeles City Council and its Committees
Board of Neighborhood Commissioners

AgainstCF 24-0867. Neighborhood Council Bylaws / Youth Participation / Diversity Increase / Leadership Growth.

To City Council and Board of Neighborhood Commissioners,

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) in a 14-0 vote at its September 9, 2024 meeting adopted a position to oppose CF 24-0867 pertaining to proposed city-wide neighborhood council system bylaw amendments.

The motion is as follows:

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) opposes Council File 24-0867 which requests two separate actions from the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners: 1) bylaw amendment guaranteeing a youth seat on each NC, and 2) bylaw amendment instituting term limits for all NCs.

While SONC supports the goals of request #1 pertaining to youth membership, we oppose this motion due to #2’s desire to institute term limits for a vulnerable NC system which already has difficulty achieving membership goals and often relies on seasoned council members for expertise and institutional knowledge.


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