December 12, 2023
Los Angeles City Council and its Committees
Call for Community Engagement in Van Nuys Airport Plan, Vision Study Process
Position: For — CF 23-1338. Van Nuys Airport (VNY) / VNY Vision Study / Community Engagement Strategies.
Position: For — CF 23-1339. Van Nuys Airport Specific Plan / Citizens Advisory Committee / Forensic Audit / Economic Study / Noise Mitigation / Community Benefit Program.
To City Council,
On Wednesday 11/29, Councilmember Padilla (CD6) filed CF 23-1339 and 23-1338 designed to mandate new policies for Van Nuys Airport aviation development projects to better protect communities, including critically needed criteria in the development of a new Specific Airport Plan for VNY.
CF 23-1339 is a necessary step to get us closer to the moratorium we are all working for in order to stop irresponsible expansion at VNY Airport through the recategorization of non-aeronautical land into aviation areas for Jet hubs, charters and more fixed-base operators (FBOs). This motion ensures that when developments proceed, they include the necessary modernization upgrades that will help reduce the toxic ground emissions poisoning our air from all the non-essential aircraft.
CF 23-1338 requires the airport to report on its communication and engagement with the community pertaining to its Vision Study.
Councilmember Raman (CD4) seconded both motions. Therefore, SONC supports CF 23-1339 and 23-1338 and thanks Councilmembers Raman and Padilla for these motions.