Candidate filing is officially open for Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council! If you live, work, rent or own property, worship, attend school, or are a vested community stakeholder in Sherman Oaks, you can run for a seat on your Neighborhood Council! Filing is open February 7 to March 24, 2025.
In January 2025, City Council quietly removed the option for stakeholders to give public comment via telephone. Seeing as telephone public comment is a valuable open government participation tool for the public, SONC requests City Council quickly restore the telephone option at its general meetings and calls on Councilmember Raman to take steps to restore this vital tool of transparency.
Visit this page to view the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council's voting history.
The Homeless Count is a countywide event that brings thousands of Angelenos together to count our unsheltered neighbors. Sherman Oaks' deployment site will be at Church of the Chimes starting at 7PM. Visit the LAHSA website to sign up as a volunteer!